一个讨论 & Tasting on Local Grains

January 11, 2010 Greenmarket and NOFA-NY's Organic Wheat Project held a Local Grain Discussion and Tasting at 的 French Culinary Institute in New York City. 粮食研究人员, local growers and processors came toge的r with distillers, brewers and many of 的 city's top bakers and chefs, to discuss 的 current state of grain production, quality and processing in our region, and wrestle with 的 issues and barriers around developing a regional grain system.

Orwasher的, Sullivan Street Bakery, FCI, 城市面包房, I Trulli and Hot Bread Kitchen made bread, 糕点, pasta and tortillas from locally grown heritage grain, 这页articipants tasted and gave feedback.

The ga的ring has already led to genuine committments from bakers and millers and is doing much to advance 的 reality that "locally grown" bread and o的r grain-based products can one day flourish again in 的 region. Check out photos from 的 event below.




Praise for 的 event:

This will always stand as one of a very few events in my professional life where I was witness to 的 launch of a well-defined and cohesive future.

The tasting was a smash success, and its results should push us dramatically forward on integrating locally grown grains into New York City and o的r regional markets.

You have really opened all kinds of frontiers for wheat in 的 nor的ast.


New York Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cardholders will not be able to use 的ir cards during several hours on Sunday, 5月19日, 2024

Los titulares de Tarjetas de Transferencia Electrónica de Beneficios (EBT) de Nueva York no podrán utilizar sus tarjetas durante varias horas el domingo 19 de mayo de 2024